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Social Change
through Music

「愛思德美成長之音」是一個慈善組織,致力用音樂幫助有需要的人,讓世界變得更美好。 我們共同為社會、為下一代帶來改變。 不論您想捐款支持,還是獻出寶貴時間幫助,都歡迎了解我們更多,今天就為未來出一分力。

El Sistema Hong Kong is a charitable organization devoted to making the world a better place through various initiatives designed to help those in need. Together, we can make a difference in the world for generations to come. Whether you want to contribute with money or time, read more about our work and learn how you can make a change today.

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What is El Sistema

「愛思德美」(El Sistema)是⼀個於1975年發⾃委內瑞拉的社會⾏動⾳樂計劃,讓數以萬計的南美學童⾛出貧窮。 El sistema 在西斑⽛語解作「系統」,亦是計劃中以同時著重個⼈提升及團體合作為中旨的教學模式。

El Sistema 已在美國、英國、⽇本、韓國、菲律賓等超過五⼗個國家遍地開花,現在⾹港也包括在內。計劃於40年間培育了多位國際知名的⾳樂家如:洛杉磯愛樂樂團 (Los Angeles Philharmonic) 的藝術總監Gustavo Dudamel、柏林愛樂 (Berlin Philharmonic) 的低⾳⼤提琴⼿Edicson Ruiz等。

El Sistema is a famous method originating in South America, it has brought hundreds of thousands of children out of poverty. El Sistema (literally “The System”) is an instruction of individual and collective musical practice.

El Sistema has since spread to more the 50 countries including the U.S, U.K, Japan, Korea, the Philippines, and now Hong Kong!

Among its graduates, El Sistema has nurtured international musicians such as Gustavo Dudamel (Artistic Director of the Los Angeles Philharmonic), Edicson Ruiz (Bassist of the Berlin Philharmonic), and thousands of musicians around the world.

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El Sistema in Hong Kong

「愛思德美成⾧之⾳」(ESHK)是⼀個慈善組織,旨在為弱勢社群提供免費的⾳樂教育,讓世界變得更美好。⽬前於天⽔圍及港島西區為50多名學童及⾧者提供 「愛思德美」(El Sistema)式的⾳樂教育。

ESHK 由Melissa Niño 帶領⼀班董事、義⼯⾏政團隊、多個社區合作夥伴和強⼤的教師網絡⽽成。Melissa 是⼀位於委內瑞拉 El Sistema 成⾧的⼩提琴家及⽼師。

El Sistema Hong Kong (ESHK) is a registered charitable institution that provides free-of-charge music training to people of all ages in difficult social and economic conditions.

Currently based out of both Tin Shui Wai and Western District, ESHK currently provides classes to over 50 children and senior citizens using the El Sistema musical method.

ESHK is led by Melissa Niño, an esteemed teacher and violinist who grew up under El Sistema. Her team includes an active board, volunteer administrative team, partner community organisations, and a strong network of teachers.

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Beliefs & Mission 

  • 不論貧富,每⼈都有平等學習⾳樂的機會

  • ⾳樂是快樂的,能將朋友、家⼈及社區凝在⼀起

  • ⾳樂能推動個⼈建⽴⾃我形象、⾃信、及⾝⼼健康

  • ⾳樂能助⼈⽤正向思想及抉擇⾯對困難

  • Everyone should have the opportunity to learn music, regardless of social or economic status

  • Music should be FUN, bringing together FRIENDS, FAMILIES and COMMUNITIES

  • Music is a vehicle to build self-esteem ,confidence, and (physical and mental) health

  • Music can help combat poverty by encouraging positive decision making


  1. 為學童建⽴跨代性的「愛思德美」課後計劃

  2. 建⽴全球⾸個為⾧者⽽設的「愛思德美」計劃


  1. Create a quality intergenerational El Sistema after-school program for children

  2. Create the world’s first El Sistema programme for senior citizens

主頁 Home: Philosophy

Children Programme

Empower the children

Elderly Programme

Rebuild a social circle


Teacher Workshop

Learn the El Sistema way

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與我們同行 Support US

Team Talk

Volunteer Your Time

成為我們的一份子 ​

Be part of us

Signing Check


Help Us Make a Difference

Violin Trio

Donate an instrument

Give the instrument a new home

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董事會 Board of Directors

Meet the People Behind the Work

主頁 Home: Meet the Team

陳達文先生 Darwin CHEN

Chairman of El Sistema Hong Kong

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陳曉瑩女士 Wendy CHAN

Vice-Chairman of El Sistema Hong Kong

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姚偉祥先生 Norman YIU

Director & Treasurer of El Sistema Hong Kong

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黎瑞恩女士 Vivian LAI

Director of El Sistema Hong Kong

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鮑太 Lima PAU

Director of El Sistema Hong Kong

我們的伙伴 Our Partners

主頁 Home: Meet the Team

「音樂是社會發展的一環,它傳遞著重要的價值 --- 團結、和諧、互相尊重。透過音樂團結社區,表達底蘊裡的深厚感情。」

"Music has to be recognized as an agent of social development, in the highest sense because it transmits the highest values – solidarity, harmony, mutual compassion. And it has the ability to unite an entire community, and to express sublime feelings."

愛思德美始創人 Founder of El Sistema Programme

José Antonio Abreu

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